Connections for Success



The Power of Connection: Six Tips for Improving Your Bedside Manner with Patients
Kevin Omahen

Healthcare is fast-paced and physicians are becoming more and more crunched for time. However, the industry is still very competitive and everyone is looking for an edge. Being a well-rounded physician is not just being an expert and providing great care, but also being able to relate to your patients and be personable. This blog dives into tips and tricks to help physicians achieve this. See below for a number of recommendations of best practices to helping you relate to your patients, which hopefully will help drive success in your practice.

  1. First Name Basis
    Greet your patient by their name. Introduce yourself to the patient’s family if they are also at the appointment. Make your patient feel like they are not just a number, but rather an individual patient that you are here to help. Ask them about their day, their interests or any other personal topics outside of the purpose of the appointment.
  2. Provide Your Full Attention
    With today’s technology, and the number of things going on, it is very easy to be detracted. As much as possible, avoid multitasking — at least during the first part of the appointment. Begin with a conversation, then document your findings and enter prescriptions toward the end — or have a scribe with you to record the necessary information.
  3. Avoid Yes and No Answers
    Naturally, some of the questions you ask patients will elicit yes or no responses. However, try to avoid those types of questions and instead ask open-ended ones. For example, you might ask: “What health concerns do you have?” or “what else can you tell me about how you’re feeling?” Be an active listener by using nonverbal cues. Doing so will likely help you respond in greater detail to your patient’s concerns.
  4. Make Yourself at Home
    Try your best to make the patient feel comfortable. Make eye contact and be inviting. Patients are often anxious or nervous when arriving to their appointments, so make them feel welcome.
  5. Be Clear
    Communication and transparency are key. Observe patients’ reactions to the information that you are providing. Always ask whether they have questions or are confused about anything that you have said
  6. Lead the Team
    As a physician, you are already a team leader of your practice as it relates to staff. Continue the team leader mentality with patients. Emphasize that you are in your patient’s health journey together.

Relating and understanding your patients and making them feel comfortable is incredibly important to being a well-rounded physician. Building a strong relationship with your patients, gaining their trust and making them feel welcome are significant to a successful practice.

If  you would like more information, contact Kevin Omahen at [email protected] or 312.670.7444. Visit to learn more about our Health Care Group.

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