CHICAGO — Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. (ORBA), one of Chicago’s largest accounting firms, is pleased to announce that Managing Director Mark Thomson will speak at a conference focused on developing new clients. The Advisory Board’s Winning Clients is Everything Conference will be held on October 18-19 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Thomson will be participating in a panel discussion, “Moving from Rainmaker to Rainleader: Strategies from Successful CEOs.
“With an increasingly competitive environment, all public accounting firms are looking at ways to take a proactive, strategic approach to developing business,” said Mark Thomson. “This conference will focus on key issues that firms need to understand to promote growth.”
About The Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is a partnership of leading accounting firm consultants offering a unique multidisciplinary approach to strategic management, marketing, technology and organizational consulting services. The Advisory Board’s mission is to provide innovative practice management education and training, focusing on concepts and ideas that come from outside the profession as well as “best practice” sharing by outstanding firm leaders. For more information, visit
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Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. (ORBA) is a full-service accounting, tax and business consulting firm located in downtown Chicago that serves privately-held companies, individuals and not-for-profit organizations. ORBA’s certified public accountants have experience with accounting and assurance, business advisory services, estate planning, financial planning, fraud investigation, tax, litigation, and mergers and acquisitions. With some of the highest levels of direct client involvement in the industry, ORBA is where clients go to build long-standing, meaningful and successful relationships with resourceful, proactive business and tax advisors. For more information, visit, subscribe to our blog or connect with us on LinkedIn.