Press Releases ORBA Announces Seminar Focused on Not-For-Profit Audit Preparation


CHICAGO — Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. (ORBA), one of Chicago’s largest accounting firms, will be hosting a seminar, How to Successfully Prepare for Your Annual Not-For-Profit Audit, on May 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CST, at the Gleacher Center in Chicago.

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CHICAGO — Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. (ORBA), one of Chicago’s largest accounting firms, will be hosting a seminar, How to Successfully Prepare for Your Annual Not-For-Profit Audit, on May 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CST, at the Gleacher Center in Chicago.

This program will focus on practical tools for ensuring a successful and efficient audit of your not-for-profit organization, including:

  • Effective communication with your auditors throughout the year
  • Proactive planning and preparation for an annual audit
  • Collaboration and time management between your auditors and your team
  • Tips for completing financial statements and other reports ahead of schedule
  • Ideas that will allow you to become a more effective financial leader within your organization
  • Managing expectations

This seminar will include hands-on, practical information and an opportunity to share your knowledge with your peers. Chief operating officers, chief financial officers, accountants, bookkeepers, outside accountants and anyone who is responsible for coordinating and facilitating a not-for-profit organization’s year-end financial audit will benefit by attending this program.

This seminar will be held at the University of Chicago, Gleacher Center, Room 308, 450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago, IL 60611. There is no charge to attend. Seats are limited. Please REGISTER on or before May 29. Participants are eligible to receive 1.0 hour of CPE Credit.

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Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. (ORBA) is a full-service accounting, tax and business consulting firm located in downtown Chicago that serves privately-held companies, individuals and not-for-profit organizations.  ORBA’s certified public accountants have experience with accounting and assurance, business advisory services, estate planning, financial planning, fraud investigation, tax, litigation, and mergers and acquisitions.  With some of the highest levels of direct client involvement in the industry, ORBA is where clients go to build long-standing, meaningful and successful relationships with resourceful, proactive business and tax advisors. For more information, visit, subscribe to our blog or connect with us on LinkedIn.

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