James G. Quaid, <span class="title">CPA</span>

James G. Quaid, CPAHe | HimDirector

P 630.703.7444 | F 630.581.8301

Jim is Co-Chair of ORBA’s Not-For-Profit Group and his experience includes providing auditing, accounting and tax services for not-for-profit organizations, including civic and cultural organizations, schools, social service agencies, associations and foundations. Jim’s experience enables him to advise not-for-profit clients about new funding streams, the best course when providing a new service or program, and effective ways to undertake strategic or operational changes. Jim is also a director in-charge of many of our firm’s employee benefit plan audits.

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  • Tax Pocket Guide
  • Tax Planning Guide
  • Records Retention Schedule
  • Auto, Travel & Business Log

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