James Pellino, <span class="title">CPA</span>

James Pellino, CPAHe | HimDirector

P 630.703.7444 | F 630.581.8301

Jim Pellino has been with Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Ltd. since 2008 and is the chair of the firm’s Employee Benefit Plans Services Group. Jim manages audits, reviews and monthly accounting engagements for manufacturers, private equity firms, restaurants, professional service providers and clients in various other industries. He also specializes in assisting clients with various 401(k) compliance issues and 401(k) audits.

In conjunction with the accounting and audit procedures, Jim prepares various income, sales and benefit plan tax returns for his clients. Jim has experience with entity formation and structuring, tax planning for corporations and individuals, personal investment advice, analysis of financial statements and providing accounting training and support to closely-held businesses.

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