Michael A. Loesevitz, <span class="title">CPA, JD, LLM</span>

Michael A. Loesevitz, CPA, JD, LLMHe | HimSenior Manager – Head of Tax Quality and Technical Matters

P 312.670.7444 | F 312.670.8301

Michael Loesevitz is the Head of Tax Quality and Technical Matters in ORBA’s Tax Department. In this role, he regularly researches and responds to team member inquiries on a wide array of complex technical tax matters, including partnership transactions, mergers & acquisitions, state & local tax compliance, real estate, and estate & gift. He also periodically provides firm-wide training on these topics and communicates tax news & developments to his team members in weekly meetings. Michael is also very skilled in representing clients before the IRS and state tax departments and regularly helps his team achieve favorable resolutions for clients with these agencies.

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Firm News


ORBA Named to Accounting Today’s 2025 “Beyond the Top 100: Firms to Watch”; Firm also Recognized as a Great Lakes Region Leader
CHICAGO –  ORBA, one of Chicago’s premier public accounting firms, has been recognized once again by Accounting Today in their “Beyond the Top 100: Firms to Watch”, securing the 132nd spot. Additionally, ORBA is ranked among the top 25 firms in the Great Lakes Region, marking its 15th consecutive year on the “Top Firms: The Great Lakes” list.

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  • Tax Pocket Guide
  • Tax Planning Guide
  • Records Retention Schedule
  • Auto, Travel & Business Log

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